Ithaca, New York


Hi! I'm Shiyang Xiao . People call me Vincent.

I graduated from UNC-Greensboro with a Bachelors in Computer Science and Mathmatics minor in 2020.

I finished high school in High Point, NC in 2016, prior to which I spent my entire life in Fujian, China. I moved to the United State in 2013 and spent a year at Newcomers School before I made the transition to Southwest Guilford High.

I maintain a list of the stuff I enjoy going out on adventures, fitness, or learning coding and photoshop skills from Online learning platforms like Udemy, Skillshare and Coursera .

Leadership Journey

Bronze Leadership Challenge
Sep 2016 - May 2017

I learnt to define and develop my personal leaderhsip philosopy through participation in monthly workshops, service initiatives by volunteering at Habitat for Humanity for a total of 20 hours.

Silver Leadership Challenge
Aug 2017 - April 2018

I got to practice the leadership skills I've developed through volunteering at Horsepower for a total of 30 hours. while receiving one-on-one support from a Ldeadership Development Coach Daniel Wiggins.

Gold Leadership Challenge
Jan 2020 - Dec 2020

I was able to work with the community partner Jeff Morgan & Zoe Dillard by devoting 40 hours to the Servant's Garden at Sedgefield Church with good communication skills and time mamnagement.

Spartan Trip Leader
Oct 2016 - May 2017

Planned a service trip to Horse Creek Wildlife Sanctuary from organizing the events to recuriting people to finalzing everything that was needed, the trip was designed to bring awareness to the homeless animals.

Aug 2018 - May 2019

Leading a group of volunteers from UNCG in efforts of tutoring high school students studying AP CS by partnering up with local high school Weaver Academy.

Summer Beach Project
Jun 2019 - July 2019

Grew spiritually while practicing living a Christian life and sharing the gospel with tourists/visitors on South Myrtle Beach, SC every Wednesday for a duration of two months.

Some Moments I am pround of.

In May '20, the poster that I made for our group project in Senior Capstone got elected to be the best poster in Spring 2020.

In Dec '19, I finished Gold Leadership Challenge that requires 60 total project hours for the duration of two semesters.

Mar '22, I made a comprehensive Hand book for the work procedures that I do while I worked at for future reference, the handbook can be viewed at here.

For more questions, I can be reached by email or on facebook.

Class/Personal Projects

Pure Sound
Shiyang Xiao, Christian Lozano, Jose Morales-Santos, Guadalupe, Aleesha

Revamped the UI on project we made from e-commerce web application, implemented admin functionalities to do CRUD operations on the products, integrated Cloudinary API to store images on a cloud-base storage, and deployed it to Azure with Github Action. More details can be viewed on Github, website.

Senior Capstone Project: Spartan Trade
Shiyang Xiao, Pil Han, Harman Bains, Yi Qiu

Worked on designing the User-interface of the website and took on the role of designing the logo, powerpoints for presentations and final poster, for which my team also earned the title of best capstone project of class 2020. More details can be viewed here.

Guilford County Financial Modeling
Shiyang Xiao, Evan Crabtree, Rohit Gulia, Cody Cothern, Gregory Purvine

By doing deep data understan, analysing and cleaning, I was able to identify anomalous transactions and some form of Time Series to make forecasting for average spending in a month. More infomation can be found here.

Data Analysis: EDA of Stack Overflow

Carried out a comprehensive analysis of Stackoverflow Survery of 2020 from data preparention & cleaning to making inferences & drawing conclusions. More details can be viewed here.

Course Certification

The Complete Web Developer Course on Udemy
Jan '18

IBM Data Science Professional Certificate
Nov '2020

Data Analysis with Python on
Sep '20

The Utimate MySQl Bootcamp on Udemy
Mar '22

Full Stack: Angular and Java Spring Boot E-Commerce Application
May '22

And a little bit about me...

I enjoy critically reasoning and debating controversial topics. Topics that particularly interest me are education, China, technology, fitness and economics.

My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI) is INFP [Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving]. The favorite people I supposedly share my personality type with are C.S.Lewis, J.K. Rowling and William Shakespeare.

I occasionally would make creative videos using Adobe After Effects for my grilfriend as surprises; I also like using advanced skills on Adobe Photoshop to make touches on images.

I enjoy working out and making Chinese/American cuisines, sometimes I would make cakes and pastries from scratch. I also play piano and guitar.

I owns a cat named Pipi even though for my entire life I've identified myself as a dog person because I am a high energy person, but cats are more chill.

I enjoy drinking Coffee but it has to be the instant coffee and unlike most of the Americans, I do not find myself to be a fan of any types of Cereals.

Take a look at my resumé...